How is the Military in Kosovo and how does it work to maintain Sucity and fight terrorism? In terms of Military and security forces, we have the Kosovo Security Force (KSF; Forca e Sigurisë së Kosovës or FSK): Land Force, National Guard (2024).
In Kosovo, the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) was established in 2009 as a small (1,500 personnel), lightly armed disaster response force; the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) was charged with assisting in the development of the KSF and bringing it up to standards designated by NATO; the KSF was certified as fully operational by the North Atlantic Council in 2013, indicating the then 2,200-strong KSF was entirely capable of performing the tasks assigned under its mandate, which included non-military security functions that were not appropriate for the police, plus missions such as search and rescue, explosive ordnance disposal, control and clearance of hazardous materials, firefighting, and other humanitarian assistance tasks

in 2019, Kosovo approved legislation that began a process to transition the KSF by 2028 into a professional military (the Kosovo Armed Forces) led by a General Staff and comprised of a Land Force, a National Guard, a Logistics Command, and a Doctrine and Training Command; it would have a strength of up to 5,000 with about 3,000 reserves; at the same time, the KSF’s mission was expanded to include traditional military functions, such as territorial defense and international peacekeeping; the KSF’s first international mission was the deployment of a small force to Kuwait in 2021 

the NATO-led KFOR has operated in the country as a peace support force since 1999; in addition to assisting in the development of the KSF, KFOR is responsible for providing a safe and secure environment and ensuring freedom of movement for all citizens; as of 2024, it numbered about 4,400 troops from 28 countries; Kosovo regards the US as a key ally and security guarantor, and the US has provided considerable support to the KSF, including equipment and training (2024)
Security and military information of Kosovo
Military and security service personnel strengths approximately 3,300 KSF personnel, including about 800 reserves (2023)
Military equipment inventories and acquisitions the KSF is equipped with small arms and light vehicles and has relied on limited amounts of donated equipment from several countries, particularly Turkey and the US (2023)
Military service age and obligation any citizen of Kosovo over the age of 18 is eligible to serve in the Kosovo Security Force; upper age for enlisting is 30 for officers, 25 for other ranks, although these may be waived for recruits with key skills considered essential for the KSF
Military deployments .
Military expenditures
Military Expenditures 2023 1.3% of GDP (2023 est.)
Military Expenditures 2022 1.1% of GDP (2022 est.)
Military Expenditures 2021 1.1% of GDP (2021 est.)
Military Expenditures 2020 1% of GDP (2020 est.)
Military Expenditures 2019 0.8% of GDP (2019 est.)
In Kosovo, the different Terrorist group(s) inlcude: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
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Kosovo is found in Southeast Europe